What Causes Acne?

There are a lot of notions about what causes acne but most of them are just flat-out wrong.
Acne is a disorder that is caused by the sebaceous gland of the skin. This gland is more commonly known as the hair follicle. The skin is covered with these tiny openings. 

The only exceptions to this are the bottom of the feet, the palms of the hand, the top of the feet, and the lower part of the lips. The chest, upper part of the neck, and the face are the parts of the body with the most sebaceous glands on them. This is what causes acne to be more common in these areas.

There are many myths about what causes acne that persist today even though there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting these myths.

Understanding what is causing your breakouts will allow you to take the appropriate measures to treat your skin and keep it under control.

Myth #1: It is caused by poor hygiene or dirty skin. While bacteria in the skin is involved in the creation of acne, and antibiotics can help improve acne, lack of cleanliness is not the actual cause for the acne breakouts. Acne is caused by excess oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores and build up under the skin. 

Myth #2: It is caused by chocolate or other foods. Chocolate has long been blamed for causing acne, along with pizza, soda and french fries; yet studies have shown no scientific evidence that this is true. The myth that chocolate and fast food are what causes acne may persist because many teens have pimples and these are also favorite foods for teenagers.

Myth #3: You will outgrow your Acne and don't need to treat it. While it's true that most people with acne find it improves with age and may clear up completely by their early 20s, there are many others that do not outgrow their pimples. It is a myth that simply being a teenager is what causes pimples and that it will just clear up in time. It's important to treat skin problems in your teens to prevent permanent scars that can be difficult or impossible to remove later.

Myth #4: Makeup causes blemishes. The first cosmetics were oil based and could definitely make breakouts worse, but today there are many makeup products that are created for acne prone skin.

Myth #5: Popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them. While its tempting to pop pimples in an attempt to get rid of them quickly, it can actually worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that is causing it. 

Dispelling the prevalent myths as to what causes acne is important for controlling your breakouts. With the correct information, you can learn what is causing your acne and what will work to clear up your skin and prevent future breakouts.

hormonal acne treatment - The Option That Works

If you are a woman in your 20s or 30s suffering from acne you may want to look into the various hormonal acne treatments for women. Acne and pimples are caused by androgen hormones, not by poor hygiene or diet (although both can affect the severity of your outbreaks). 

The hormonal acne treatment mechanism works by restoring the natural or the original balance of the hormones as to aid in the normal production of oil by the sebaceous glands. Remember that we are not using hormonal acne treatment to disrupt the natural order of the hormones. On the contrary, we want the sebaceous glands to fulfill its function by producing the right amount of oil.

Birth control pills, is in fact the most commonly used hormonal acne treatment for women. The drugs mostly prescribed to treat acne in men are anti- androgen drugs and oral corticosteroids.

Is there such thing as a natural hormonal acne treatment?

Most definitely, natural hormonal acne treatments do exist and this includes antioxidants. Antioxidants are an effective hormonal equalizers and blood purifiers too. They help the skin achieve its beautiful healthy glow and fair skin tone. Besides, antioxidants can help stop new acne breakouts.

Generally, these natural hormonal acne treatments are used to restore the natural balance of the hormones thus preventing acne breakouts. Moreover, they help decrease inflammation and they aid in rapid skin repair.

Most definitely, we all want a good looking skin. If you intend to use hormonal acne therapy either the synthetic or the natural ones, be sure to consult a dermatologist to make sure that the chosen therapy is appropriate for you.

light therapy acne - Does Light-Therapy Work?

Light therapy acne is becoming the most popular skin care treatment, and it seems everyone wants to try it. Why this craze?

Light therapy kills a certain type of slow growing bacteria that create acne and shrinks the sebaceous glands which cuts back on sebum reduction. The slow growing bacteria are called Propionibacterium acnes and it creates chemicals called poryphyrins. This is what the light therapy affects. When the poryphyrins react to the light they neutralize the bacteria. When the bacteria is gone, so is the acne it causes.

The cost is around $800 for the full treatment on average. Sessions cost around $50 to $150 so the cost could be higher or lower.

There are machines for home use and they cost around $200-$300 and you only have to use them for a few minutes at a time. However, it is important to really know what you are doing to get the maximum benefits. 

Light therapy not only works but it comes in a range of formats from home use to laser. If the usual topical treatments don't help, this particular approach may very well be worth considering. Before you go out and buy a home machine, check with your doctor. It is extremely successful but there are some rare cases that it does not help much. Make sure your acne is the type that will respond to it.

acne laser treatments -finding the best solution

There are some people who have a gift of having a very beautiful skin; however, most of us acquire acne during our lifetime. Finding the best solution is a big quest. People nowadays are now considering acne laser treatments to treat and heal stubborn acne and skin blemishes. With the right treatment, acne can keep under control.

Men and women of today suffer from acne. You can always bump into a person having red bumps all over his face whenever you shop at the mall. There are actually some people who would not even go out just because they have acne protruding from their faces. Due to the prevalence of acne, many cures were brought out in the market, but there are some who prefer the quick treatment such as an acne laser treatment.

Today, clinics use two types of acne laser treatment. The first one is the diode laser treatment and the second one is the pulsed dye laser treatment. Each of these treatments has been used and has been effective on patients. One catch is that one form of treatment may work with one person but not on another.

After the doctor has scheduled the first treatment, it must be noted that the sun should be avoided. Exposure to sunlight must also be limited. This is because when the skin is tanned, the effect of the treatment will not work really well. Limiting the exposure to sunlight must last for several weeks.

14 Days Acne Cure Review - Scam Or Real?

14 Days Acne Cure has one major problem. It is too full of detail. I was a chronic sufferer my self and when I first came across the 14 Days Acne Cure system, I laughed inside claiming that this is jut too good to be true.

Since I was already going nowhere with the acne medicines I was using and because of the really testimonials and success stories, I decided to give this a fair try for such a low price, compared to the expensive acne cleansing solutions that don’t give permanent results.

...I downloaded the main 14 Days Acne Cure book immediately after payment, and started to read. I was looking to find a bunch of crap but actually there wasn't. It is about 68 pages long and full of everything you need to know about acne causes, types and treatments.

The main meat though is the real chapter - The 14 Days Acne Cure Formula. It is a really easy to follow formula but it takes a bit of hard work and self control. You will have to sacrifice particular kinds of food, go on detox diet for certain days and stuff like that.

The main thing I learnt from the 14 Days Acne Cure system is that Acne is merely a signal for a much deeper imbalance inside the body. I can’t say what kind of imbalance but all I can say is that this imbalance is what causes you to get sick and make you suffer from certain problems so many times.

...With the 14 Days Acne Cure system, Casey Gentles claims to cure this imbalance once and for all, and thus acne, a mere signal will simply disappear.

Although this sounds too vague, I personally gave it a try. It has been 8 months now and I have yet to see a bump on my face. My acne disappeared in exactly 29 days leaving two to three scars behind which eventually faded away using some of the methods Casey  mentions about getting rid of acne scars at the end of the 14 Days Acne Cure Book.

So if you are one of those who can take the time to get off the comfort zone and decide to give the holistic approach a fair try with a few sacrifices, you will probably enjoy acne free skin very soon.

...I had a severe case of Acne and my acne was cure in 28 days or so. What acne do you suffer from?

14 Days Acne Cure should work for even the worst cases of acne, so why not give it a fair shot. If it doesn’t work, you can still claim a refund within 8 weeks.

I hope it works for you like it worked for me and hundreds of other acne sufferers who have tried it.

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